About us
Our CDs
A few years ago we decided to record our own CD to have a memory of our singing for people who like this music.
First two CD´s were born in 2003. The first one was CD with Besharmonie´s recordings including many different types of songs, which make our repertory. The second one was recorded together with a classical chamber string orchestra Collegium Musicum Universitatis Carolinae. On this CD there are songs of Besharmonie, songs of Collegium and also some songs sung by both music groups. We try to sell CD´s at our concerts, so if you would like to have one, you can come to our koncert :)
Six years ago, in 2001 another CD was recorded by a section of Besharmonie and by choir called „Provisional Choir“ which is composed of people from the whole republic. Eversmiling Liberty - a rock oratory - was recorded on this CD.
We would like to record a new CD of Besharmonie in spring 2008, so have a look at our website for the latest news.

Besharmonie 1. Fair Phyllis (John Farmer) 2-6. Missa brevis (Zdeněk Lukáš) 2. Kyrie 3. Gloria 4. Sanctus 5. Benedictus 6. Agnus dei 7. Rejoice In The Lord Alway (Henry Purcell) 8. Horo, horo, vysoká jsi (česká lidová, upr. Zdeněk Lukáš) 9. Prší , prší (slovenská lidová, upr. Miroslav Hroněk) 10. Bude večer (slovácká lidová, upr. Zbyněk Mrkos) 11. Veselá kopa (Zdeněk Lukáš) 12. Stavajú, stavajú (Bohuslav Martinů, upr. L. Sládek) 13. Nkosi Sikelel´i Afrika (africká hymna) 14. An Irish Blessing (James E. Moore) 15. Wouldn´t It Be Loverly? (muzikál My Fair Lady, F. Loewe) 16. Ride The Chariot (Henry Smith) 17. Fuge aus der Geographie (Ernst Toch)

Besharmonie and Collegium Musicum Universitatis Carolinae Antonín Fils (1730-1760) - Simfonia II. - g moll 1. Allegro 2. Andante 3. Allegro assai Edward Elgar (1857-1934) - Serenade op. 20 4. Allegro piacevole 5. Larghetto 6. Allegretto Henry Purcell (1659-1605) - Suite from opera „King Arthur“) 7. Maestro - Allegro 8. Moderato 9. Moderato - Allegro 10. Moderato 11. Andante pastorale 12. Choral „Jesus bleibet meine Freunde“ BMW 147 (J. S. Bach) 13. Rejoice (Henry Purcell) 14. Fair Phyllis (John Farmer) Missa brevis (Zdeněk Lukáš) 15. Kyrie 16. Gloria 17. Sanctus 18. Benedictus 19. Agnus Dei 20. Stavajú, stavajú (Bohuslav Martinů, upr. L. Sládek) 21. Wouldn´t It Be Loverly? (muzikál My Fair Lady, F. Loewe) 22. Ride The Chariot (Henry Smith)

Eversmiling liberty 1. Mourn 2. O Father 3. Grant A Leader Bold And Brave 4. Judas Shall Set The Captive Free 5. Call Forth Thy Powers 6. Come, Eversmiling Liberty 7. Lead On 8. Disdainful Of Danger 9. No Unhallowed Desire 10. Hear Us, O Lord 11. Fallen Is The Foe 12. Zion Now Her Head Shall Raise 13. Ah, Wratched Israel 14. My Arms 15. Sound An Alarm 16. With Pious Hearts 17. Never, Never Bow We Down 18. Father Of Heaven 19. See, The Conquering Hero Comes 20. Oh Lovely Peace 21. Rejoice, O Judah
Collegium Musicum Universitatis Carolinae
Prozatímní sbor („Provisional choir“)
Photo: Jiří Dolejš